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Nata Mogolivets Yoga Instructor

Швеція/ Sweden/ Sverige

Наталія Моголівець у партнерстві з Українським культурним центром у Швеції та ABF (Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund), представляє проект "Språk & Hälsa" (Мова та Здоров'я). Цей унікальний навчальний курс призначений для тих, хто бажає вивчити шведську мову, одночасно збагативши свої знання про вплив на здоров’я.
Natalia Mogolivets, in partnership with the Ukrainsk kulturförening i Sverige and ABF (Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund), presents the project "Språk & Hälsa" (Мова та Здоров'я). This unique educational course is designed for those who want to learn Swedish language and at the same time gain knowledge about how to influence their health.


Natalia Mogolivets is a yoga instructor, psychologist, and director of the Lviv branch of the Ukrainian Yoga Federation and the Ukrainian Yogis team. She is also the founder of Lviv's largest yoga and dance center, Shakti Yoga Shala and the organizer of the first Yoga Park in Ukraine, located in the heart of Lviv city.

Additionally, Natalia is the author of the Natya Yoga style for dancers which promotes dancers' development by offering innovative approaches to working with the body based on research in yoga therapy. The goal of this project is to ensure harmonious physical development, improve flexibility and coordination, and enhance endurance and self-actualization. The program is specially adapted to the needs and demands of dancers from various styles. She has conducted numerous yoga seminars for practitioners at all levels, from beginners to experienced yogis.
Natalia holds three higher education degrees:
- Master of Psychology, Open International University for Human Development "Ukraine"
- Bachelor of Choreography, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
- Marketing Specialist, National Aviation University.

In addition to her professional activities, Natalia is actively involved in public and cultural work:
- serves as the President of the All-Ukrainian Dance Federation and the Lviv section of the International Dance Council under UNESCO
- arranges international congresses on dance research
- organizes dozens of dance concerts, seminars, and master classes throughout Ukraine.

Currently, she is learning Sanskrit, the language of ancient Indian texts that form the basis of yoga, and studying Odissi, one of the eight classical styles of Indian dance, to deepen her knowledge and understanding of Indian tradition.
Nataliya Mogolivets Yoga Instructor
Nataliya Mogolivets Yoga Instructor
Nataliya Mogolivets Yoga Instructor