Comprehension and Emotions. Sutra 1.17.

In scope of discussing sloka 1.17 about samprajna and its relation to vritti-nirodhah I’ve been asked a good question about the mechanisms of such relation, that is, about the REASON of this, or rather, about the mechanism of changing one’s emotional attitude to the core of the problem within the process of its comprehension (this… Continue reading Comprehension and Emotions. Sutra 1.17.

Sutra 1.19. Supernatural Beings vs People of Spiritual Flow. Mysterious Pratyaya

Would it occur to anyone to invite tenders for the most ambiguously understood and intricate sloka of the Yoga Sutras, the line 1.19 would be the safe winner. Sorting out this case is not an easy thing to do, so that I beforehand beg the reader’s pardon for this article to be this complicated. Now,… Continue reading Sutra 1.19. Supernatural Beings vs People of Spiritual Flow. Mysterious Pratyaya

Sutras 1.2 and 1.17. Nirodha and Samprajna

For those readers who in this multitude of articles might havelost the general thread and the logic of YS doctrine exposition Ishall put in remembrance the basic points. • In the second line Patanjali gives the definition of yoga as chitta-vritti-nirodhah • Then he draws definitions of each vritti. • In the line 1.12 he… Continue reading Sutras 1.2 and 1.17. Nirodha and Samprajna

Meditation in the Context of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

The word “meditation” is one of the brands that the mass consciousness has inseparably linked to yoga, spiritual practices and person’s development. And this opinion is justified: yoga is not yoga without psycho-practices, since it was yet in Hatha Yoga Pradipika that they wrote that “All the methods of hatha are meant for gaining success… Continue reading Meditation in the Context of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

Vairagya and Samprajna. The Logic of the Few Latest Slokas Arrangement

I hope the reader remembers that the lines 1.12-1.16 were dedicated to abhyasa and vairagya. In particular, the line 1.15 gave an extensive definition of vairagya:   1.15 the disengagement from emotions [related to] the seen and heard objects is the sign of mastery in vairagya,    while the 1.16 defined the ultimate experience of… Continue reading Vairagya and Samprajna. The Logic of the Few Latest Slokas Arrangement

Correlation Between the Dimensions of Human Existence

Notwithstanding the apparent simplicity of the sloka 1.17 it has a fundamental value in scope of Patanjali’s concept of Yoga and in understanding the principles of spiritual advance in general. As for its application significance, this line probably comes as the second most important after the one defining Yoga as chitta-vritti-nirodhah. In fact, in this… Continue reading Correlation Between the Dimensions of Human Existence

Sutras 1.17 – 1.18. The Legend of Asamprajna Samadhi (continuation)

Let us proceed with analysis of the line 1.18. विरामप्रत्ययाभ्यासपूर्वः संस्कारशेषोऽन्यः ॥ १८॥ 1.18 virāma-pratyayābhyāsa-pūrvaḥ saṃskāra-śeṣo’nyaḥ I shall draw several classical variants of its translation for the reader to get a better picture of what the legend is, as well as to see the difference in interpreting this shloka: 1.18 There is another Samadhi which… Continue reading Sutras 1.17 – 1.18. The Legend of Asamprajna Samadhi (continuation)