українська федерація йоги

Yoga Library

On the shelves of this library - knowledge of yoga and other traditions dedicated to human development

Library map

Primary sources of yoga—Books by UFI instructors and other modern yoga practitioners.

Modern Books on Yoga—a list of two hundred primary sources of yoga in the original Sanskrit, Devanagari script.

Books from other esoteric and philosophical traditions

Kashmiri Shaivism  
Vajrayana and Tibet 

Our Yoga Studies

Glossary of Yoga Terms - Sanskrit yoga terms and other terms we use in our yoga practice.
History of Yoga - stages of development of yoga, its ideas and personality.
Theory of Yoga - in this section we describe the exercises that exist or existed before.

Modern Books on Yoga

yoga the history of ideas and views book

Yoga: History of Ideas and Views

Аndriy Safronov.
Йога, биоенергетика и биомеханика

Yoga: Physiology, Psychosomatics, Bioenergetics

Andriy Safronov

ukr ru  fr

Roots-of-yoga- корни йоги

Roots of Yoga

Mallinson, Sir James, Singleton, Mark

Yoga in Transformation

Karl Baier, Philipp A. Maas, Karin Preisendanz.

Yoga Body: The Origins of Modern Posture Practice:

Singleton, Mark

Books of other esoteric traditions


Tantra is also one of the traditions rooted in yoga.

On this shelf issledovaniya key concepts of tantra, tantric art.

Kashmiri shaivism/

"Consciousness - atman" this definition belongs to the tradition of Kashmir Shaivism, which is one of the traditions of yoga

Vajrayana and Tibet

"Atlas of Tibetan Medicine"; "Iconography of Vajrayana"; "Tibetan Book of the Dead";

першоджерела йоги/ первоисточники йоги

Bhagavad Gita

першоджерела йоги/ первоисточники йоги

Yoga Sutra Patanjali

першоджерела йоги/ первоисточники йоги

Hatha Yoga Pradipika Jyotsna

першоджерела йоги/ первоисточники йоги

Katha Upanishad

першоджерела йоги/ первоисточники йоги

Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra

105 meditations of yoga

Sections devoted to knowledge and practices of yoga

Андрей Сафронов Andrew Safronov

Andrei Safronov's blog

This blog contains comments on the "Yoga Sutra", as well as some articles from the blog "Notes in the Margins of Ancient Texts"

The blog of the instructors of the UFG

The texts of this blog show "yoga as a lifestyle" - our view on ordinary and stressful life situations, love and friendship, emotions and feelings.

asana асана падмасана поза лотоса

Yoga theory

This page is for those who want to deeply understand the practice of yoga, its language, history and intersections with other areas of human knowledge.

словарь йоги

Yoga Dictionary

Meanings of words in our yogic dictionary. Not all words in this dictionary are Sanskrit, as development is characteristic of all mankind