

Ukrainian Federation of Yoga is a yoga school. A person, their feelings, emotions, consciousness, thoughts, behaviour and body is an object of applying knowledge and practice of yoga.

The school believes there is no single traditional Yoga. Similar to science, knowledge about yoga is formed by everyone who studies it - no matter their age, country or school. Similar to art, yoga can't be understood just in theory. We think that knowledge is inseparable from practice. That is why we study the methods and techniques of yoga relevant to the current time and people practicing it.

Teachers and students in our school use the same methodology. Ideas and knowledge of yoga are at its core. More details about our method below.

Йога: история идей и взглядов книга Йога історія ідей та поглядів
Yoga: Physiology, Psychosomatics, Bioenergetics cover


The yoga practice begins with these topics:

• Hatha Yoga — classic asanas and modern series, pranayama.
• Human anatomy - moving patterns and breathing.
Development of individual practice series.
• Chakra discourse — language for describing feelings, emotions and motivations.
• Chakra psychodiagnosis - method for identifying people’s emotions and feelings by their behavior and gestures.
• Chakra training — Muladhara (body training), Svadhishthana (dance classes, sexual education), Manipura (combat training, team-based practices), Anahata (relationship, working through negative emotions), Vishuddha (creative), Ajna (intellectual).
• Meditations and psychopractices — exercises aimed at improving awareness and controlling thought processes.
• History and philosophy of yoga - intersections of yoga with psychology.

Our instructors sometimes refer to the methods we practice as: Yoga, Big Yoga, Classical Yoga, Philosophy Of Yoga.

More information about our methodology can be found in books by Andriy Safronov. Such as: “Yoga: History of Ideas and Views” and “Yoga: Physiology, Psychosomatics, Bioenergetics”.


Several teams of instructors developed their own style of teaching:

йоги без границ yogis without borders webl

Yogis without borders

Dmitry Danilov’s team - Yogis Without Borders

we love yoga

We Love Yoga

Yulia Yaroshenko’s team - We Love Yoga

O-йога! Студія йоги Владислава Очеретько


Vlad Ocheredko’s team - «O-yoga»

yoga identity logo йога айдентити

Yoga Identity

Iryna Sikorska’s team - Yoga Identity

We in Yoga

Viktoria Evsyukova’s team - «We in Yoga»

Йога лого уфй Facebook instagram

Ukrainian Yogis

Nata Mogolivets' team - «Ukrainian Yogis»

Faculties of study at the School

vriddhi yoga врідхі йога


In our school, the teaching program differs for people under and over 35 year old . This distinction exists because of age-related physiological features and different focuses in different stages of life. This is our guideline, but there are exceptions and students can choose the group which would suit them best during an individual interview with the instructor.

Йогатерапія йога

Yoga Therapy

Yogatherapy – lectures and courses in Yoga Therapy help create an individual series taking into account the needs of the practitioner. Yoga Therapy instructors create therapeutic sequences helping with different health conditions.


Aхрамєєва Олена йогатерапія Alijona Akhramieieva yogatherapia

Olena Akhremeyeva

Инструктор йоги Наталья Кравец

Natalia Kravets

Инструктор йоги Ольга Головня

Olga Golovnya

йога для беременных, прасу йога


Pregnancy Yoga - Known as Prasu yoga. The school has lectures and practical trainings about maternity and childbirth.

Kaya yoga кайа йога


Kaya-yoga — school about understanding your body. It is based on hatha-yoga and modern physical approaches. Its purpose is the physical and aesthetic development of the body.

Sandhaana Yoga Сучасний динамічний стиль хатха-йоґи

Sandhaana Yoga

Sandhaana-yoga - we developed this style of hatha-yoga. It is aimed at enabling anahata and manipura chakras projected on the physical body.

olexiy savenko yoga. Алексей Савенко
Ukraine, Kharkiv
Инструктор йоги Галина Хэнсон
Ukraine, Kyiv
Инструктор йоги Людмила Синенко
France, Paris
Инструктор йоги Тятьяна Баранович
France, Le Mans
Інструктор йоги Ксенія Дьяченко Yoga Ksenia Diachenko
Germany, Berlin
Інструктор сандхаана йоги Юлія Палоу Yoga Yulia Pudlo
Great Britain, Winchester
Инструктор йоги Яна Лев
Israel, Bat Yam
Санскрит в Україні, йога

Sanskrit in Ukraine

Sanskrit — teaching Sanskrit using our own methodology, including translation of the primary sources of yoga.

More information about most of the areas can be found in the Library of Yoga.

Инструктор Татьяна Приходько

Tanya Prykhodko

Инструктор йоги Ольга Нелина Неліна Ольга

Olya Nelina

Ольга Черняк інструктор йоги

Olya Cherepakha

Definition of Yoga

Our core understanding of yoga is captured by Andriy Safronov’s definition, given in this lecture. Our teaching methods are based on this definition.

Simply put, the word ‘yoga’ is used in three ways: as a system for personal development, as a practice - the feeling of collectedness which occurs through meditation, and as a philosophical system of knowledge.

Йога лого уфй Facebook instagram

School locations

Our instructors teach in Ukraine, Austria, United Kingdom, Germany, Georgia, Israel, Spain, Canada, Netherlands, Poland, France, Switzerland, Romania.

Open Groups

Андрей Сафронов Гуру, йога, йог

History of the School

The methodology of our school began forming in 1993 during seminars of Andriy Safronov. Andriy - President of Ukrainian Federation Of Yoga.

From 1999 his students started teaching yoga in different cities, creating their own studios and teams.

Detailed history of the School.