Yoga in Times of War
A series of articles by instructors of the Ukrainian Federation of Yoga, created at the request of The European Union Of Yoga: about personal experience of
My name is Dmytro Danylov.
I am starting a new class in Yogic Esoterics. Modern yoga is full of bright pictures and inverted postures, but there is more to this tradition.
I have been teaching yoga for over 16 years. I taught many people in different countries. I have studied yoga in Indian jungles and in refined European yoga-studios. I have done academical research and defended my Ph.D. thesis on the history of meditation in yoga (dhyāna). Nevertheless, I know that studying yoga without understanding the core of its esoterics is pointless.
That is why I plan to have a class on Esoterics of Yoga. Without understanding this aspect of the ancient spiritual Indian tradition, you will never understand the principals of asanas, pranayamas, meditations and its goals.
I am inviting you to join my class. We will go over the structure of human consciousness, principals of yogic psychology, we will talk about yogic variety of psycho-practices and its esoterical approach to the spiritual development of the practitioner.
Our classes will be held in Zoom. For the first class you will need paper and pen, or its digital equivalent. Later on we will need a yoga-matt and comfortable clothes.
2019 – defense of the first thesis on the philosophy of yoga in Ukraine (PhD), H.Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of NAU
2007-2009 – Donetsk National University of Physical Education and
Sports, specialization “Physical Education and Sports Teacher”,
2002-2003 – master’s degree at Donetsk National University, specialty
“International Economy”, Ukraine
1999-2001 – Vienna National University, specialty “International
Economy”, Austria
2017 – International Scientific Conference “XXI Oriental Studies Readings by A. Krymsky”, Ukraine
2017 – Religions Symposium of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
2018 – All-Ukrainian conference of Indologists “India – 70 years of independent development: achievements, problems, prospects”, Ukraine
2018 – World Sanskrit Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada
2010 – Ashtanga Yoga at Pattabhi Jois, Mysore, India
2009 – Yoga with BCS Iyengar, Pune, India
2008-2009 – Krishnamacharya Institute, Chennai, India
2017 – Summer Academic School of Yoga at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
2016 – Krakow yoga conference at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
2015-2016 – Vagish Shastri Sanskrit Course, Varanasi, India
2015 – Summer School of Spoken Sanskrit at the University of Heidelberg, Germany
2013 – Vienna yoga conference, University of Vienna, Austria
2008 – Yoga Travel project
• A series of photo exhibitions “The world through the eyes of yogis” in the cities
of Ukraine (Lviv, Chernihiv, Donetsk, Mariupol, Kharkiv, Kyiv)
• Photo exhibition “Little Tibet. The world through the eyes of yogis”, 2016, Kyiv
• Personal photo exhibition of Dmytro Danilov, 2018, Kyiv
• Photo exhibition “Rave of Ancient Cultures”, 2020, Kyiv
• Creation of experimental travel routes (India, Nepal, Uzbekistan, Iran, Pakistan)
2015 – Yogis Without Borders project: yoga lectures in Amsterdam, Dortmund, Dubai, Krakow, Tel Aviv
2016 – YogaScience project: translated more than 50 scientific articles about yoga
2016 – author of the book Yoga Wall. A tutorial on the technique of yoga on the ropes near the wall
2018 – author of applications for IOS and Android: YogaPatta. Methodical guide for performing asanas on the ropes at the Yoga Wall
2020 – edition of the monograph on meditation in yoga (dhyana), “Transformation of the concept of “dhyana” in the teaching of yoga”
In 2007, began teaching yoga
2012 – opening of a chain of yoga-studios “Nataraja” in Mariupol and Donetsk, Ukraine
2015 – Senior instructor at the Kyiv branch of the Ukrainian Yoga Federation. Curator of international projects of UFY. Yoga researcher and author of scientific articles
2022 – voted the Vice President of European Union of Yoga
A series of articles by instructors of the Ukrainian Federation of Yoga, created at the request of The European Union Of Yoga: about personal experience of
Many years ago, still being a student, I decided to try a vegetarian diet. I was curious how my body would respond to potential challenges