Having laid down the criteria of chitta scattering (chitta-vikshepa) in shloka 31, Patanjali dedicated further 8 shlokas (32 to 39) to methods aimed at withstanding this state, while another 2 shlokas that follow (40 and 41) speak about the results of “bringing” chitta together. So far as these methods are quite applicable and highly topical, I… Continue reading Sutra 1.32. Methods of chitta stabilization. Part one. Totalness
Tag: Bhagavad Gita
The Archetypes of Wholeness and “Energy Loss”
In the previous article dedicated to psychosomatics in Yoga Sutras I draw reader‘s attention to the association between the state of “chitta-vikshepa” – the scattering of chitta – and somatic responses that has been foregrounded by Patanjali. Let me remind that the word “vikshepa” in the framework of “Chitta-vikshepa” term is derived from the verbal root… Continue reading The Archetypes of Wholeness and “Energy Loss”
To the Origin of the Word “Yoga”
Inspired by watching a nice Indian series about relations between Shiva and Sati. This article for sure comes as the off-top in this part of the blog, but now I can’t be bothered to find some other place to speak out, thus I will take the liberty of doing this prank. And so, the word… Continue reading To the Origin of the Word “Yoga”