The next sutra can be well understood in the context of the previous ones, and it complements the earlier sutra 1.35 in terms of logic. Let me remind that the latter stated that the activity filled with an object, a target, facilitates retaining of personal wholeness. Or, to be more specific, it prevents chitta from… Continue reading Sutra 1.36. Methods of Chitta stabilization.
Part 5. Grand Thoughts and Reflections on abstract notions as a part of yoga
Tag: vritti
Sutra 1.36. Methods of Chitta stabilization.
Vairagya and Samprajna. The Logic of the Few Latest Slokas Arrangement
I hope the reader remembers that the lines 1.12-1.16 were dedicated to abhyasa and vairagya. In particular, the line 1.15 gave an extensive definition of vairagya: 1.15 the disengagement from emotions [related to] the seen and heard objects is the sign of mastery in vairagya, while the 1.16 defined the ultimate experience of… Continue reading Vairagya and Samprajna. The Logic of the Few Latest Slokas Arrangement
Sutras 1.17 – 1.18. The Legend of Asamprajna Samadhi (continuation)
Let us proceed with analysis of the line 1.18. विरामप्रत्ययाभ्यासपूर्वः संस्कारशेषोऽन्यः ॥ १८॥ 1.18 virāma-pratyayābhyāsa-pūrvaḥ saṃskāra-śeṣo’nyaḥ I shall draw several classical variants of its translation for the reader to get a better picture of what the legend is, as well as to see the difference in interpreting this shloka: 1.18 There is another Samadhi which… Continue reading Sutras 1.17 – 1.18. The Legend of Asamprajna Samadhi (continuation)
Samadhi, Assemblage Point and Gestalt Psychology
There is an interesting point of view that was published on the vKontakte page [a social network that is popular is CIS states – translator’s note] dedicated to Yoga Sutras that I mentioned in one of my winter posts, by the author of the said public who calls himself Igor Aleksandrovitch. I quote: “Here is… Continue reading Samadhi, Assemblage Point and Gestalt Psychology
Vrittis: Nidra and Smriti
Let us proceed to discussing the two latter Vrittis mentioned by Patanjali: smriti and nidra. In one of the previous sections of our forum we have already considered and slammed the traditional interpretation of these two words as memory and sleep. I shall remind here that in order to preserve the text consistency in terms… Continue reading Vrittis: Nidra and Smriti
Vritti: Pramana, Viparyaya and Vikalpa
Having made sense of “Drashtar” category we can come back to analyzing the category of “vritti”. Let us remember that vritti is something that a person identifies himself with, letting his Inner Observer (Drashtar) get dissolved in this something and thus lose its essence. By the way, this category has been invented by theosophs in… Continue reading Vritti: Pramana, Viparyaya and Vikalpa
Sutra 1.2. Vritti (continuation)
So let us come back to reflections about the category of vritti. We have finished at trying to figure out what was that common between the categories of vritti listed by Patanjali and what was the purpose of the phase about vritti being of klesha and non-klesha type. Let us try to answer the first… Continue reading Sutra 1.2. Vritti (continuation)